Friday, October 12, 2012

Fort Worth Nature Center

On Monday October 8th, the Girls Inc. staff and the girls from Eastern Hills High School traveled to the Ft. Worth Nature Center and Refuge.  The FWNCR  is a hidden jewel- a wilderness comprised of forests, prairies, and wetlands reminiscent of how much of the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex once looked.

Photo taken by Sha'Toria T.
The drive to The Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge resembled a scene from a scary movie.  The girls screamed, “wrong turn” and “jeepers creepers”, for a few minutes upon our arrival.  They were unsure of their unfamiliar surroundings and asked several times about snakes, and if we (Girls Inc. staff) knew where we were going.  While they were a little unsettled at the beginning, they came around and ended up appreciating the peace of their surroundings.   Their comments eventually turned in to, “this is a place I would like to come for some peace and quiet”, while others said, “it is very relaxing here”.
Photo taken by Sha'Toria T.

The day’s activities included walking through the woods, exploring the bison range, and strengthening our team building abilities and communication skills.  It was a gorgeous Texas day and was perfect to be outdoors.  The girls of Eastern Hills expressed their enjoyment through laughter, jokes, and smiles as we traveled through the Crosstimbers Trail at the Nature Center.  The girls walked 3.37 miles that morning.

Photo taken by Shacora O.
Our hike was accompanied by butterflies and many prickly pear but the girls stayed as far away as possible, as they did not want to get poked by the cacti. The girls who attended this trip were such an inspiration!  They met all of their commitments prior to attending this field trip and we are proud of them.  They joined us on an excursion on a day when they could have stayed in their warm, cozy beds.

Thank you for such a great experience, girls!  It was a great day!

~Ms. Rodriguez


  1. were is my picture :(

    1. Hey! What picture is it? Let me know and we will post it. Thanks!

      ~Ms. B
